Huwebes, Enero 19, 2012

From Manual to Digit

Tools in Contemporary Classroom Teaching BY NEIL The advancements in science and technology have brought progress in the field of education. In more industrialized countries, educational technology is the trend. New discoveries are introduced into the classroom to give students two main benefits: learning their lessons and familiarization with computer applications. Technology plays a vital role to materialize this goal. The following are technological innovations that have been proven effective in facilitating discussion inside the classroom in different parts of the world. Microphone. Microphone is useful in a classroom with big population where noise is unmanageable. Paired with speakers, students are able to hear their teachers clearer. Besides, the teacher no longer loses his/her voice at the end of the day. Computer. Having a computer in the classroom is an asset to any teacher. With a computer in the classroom, the teacher can easily present lessons in different media, show educational websites, and demonstrate how to use computer programs. LCD Projector. With an LCD projector attached to the computer, the teacher can stage slideshows and PowerPoint presentations. Digital Camera. Digital camera and video camera are helpful particularly in an art or science class. Children learn better through visual aids like images and videos. Class Blog and Wiki. These interactive Internet sites allow students to post and share messages, articles or projects with their classmates. The teacher serves as moderator who maintains the site. Class Website. The teacher may maintain a Web site that houses class syllabus, schedule, notes, or even lessons that can be viewed by the students. The Web site might also have a forum where teacher and students can share thoughts. While teachers of previous generations have manually toiled to create teaching aids in paperboards and chalkboards, present-day teachers have the opportunity to use computer technology in presenting texts, drawing, graphs, and other illustrations to assist students effectively and effortlessly in their learning journey.

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